Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Here goes blogging...

I decided to give this blogging thing a try. I do love to write, so I guess this should of been a no-brainer. I think part of me worries that I'm not faithful enough to be a blogger... whatever that means ;o) But I'm all about doing new things these days I guess...

As most of you ("you" being, I guess, anyone to whom I gave this link) know, I've been living in Berlin, Germany since September 14. I am interning for the next year with Campus für Christus on college campuses here in the city. Basically, my job is to talk to students about their lives and spirituality. I get to wrestle through tough questions and share with them the hope, purpose, and freedom I have found in God through Jesus :) Sweet, I know.

I'm not selling anything, or cramming rules down anyone's throat. I'm starting conversations... signficant and eternal ones.
I'm making introductions - introducing students to the person of Jesus Christ, the One who gives my life meaning. The One who gave His life to make mine worth living. The One who stooped down to be with me (Ps. 138:6/ Isaiah 53). The One who pursues me despite my apathy, betrayals, and denials. The One who showers me with grace I have never earned and woos me with love that baffles and changes me. The One who longs for me to long for Him.

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" Jeremiah 29:13

God is relevant. And He has always been there, ready to show us just how relevant He is. He is a God who wrestles (Gen. 32:22-) with us. He is a God who wants to be found.
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

I hope that you are as moved by this idea as I am.

Danke for letting me share my passion/philosophy/theology/(whatever you call it) with you.

Classes here in Berlin start October 12. There is much to be figured out and decided on in the next week and a half. I'm thankful forthose on my team (7 other Americans) who have gifts of administration and decision-making... something that I am definitely lacking ;o)

Thanks again for reading... I should probably study some German before heading to bed. (Who says you stop doing homework when you graduate?!)

Guten Nacht :)

Jesus, You are relevant in Berlin, in Germany, in this world. Demonstrate Your relevance in my life... in all of our lives. You alone are worthy. You are it.